Опубликовано 06 Ноябрь 2008 - 20:36
Анализ источников пока ничего не дал дал. Однако на зимних худах она есть. Точнее либо меховая подкладка отворачивается наружу, либо меховая подкладка больше лицевой стороны.
Буду благодарен за любую информацию.
Опубликовано 07 Ноябрь 2008 - 15:14
Опубликовано 18 Ноябрь 2008 - 22:33
Опубликовано 18 Ноябрь 2008 - 23:41
Почему нет? Зимой теплее будет :-)То есть подкладка все же может быть из меха?
Опубликовано 19 Ноябрь 2008 - 15:22
egulation as to wearing Furs, and clearing the Streets.
Edward I. A.D. 1281. (fn. 1) Letter-Book A. fol. cxxx. (Norman French.)
It is provided and commanded, that no woman of the City shall from henceforth go to market, or in the King's highway, out of her house, with a hood (fn. 2) furred with other than lambskin or rabbitskin, on pain of losing her hood to the use of the Sheriffs; save only those ladies who wear furred capes, (fn. 3) the hoods of which may have such furs as they may think proper. And this, because that regratresses, (fn. 4) nurses and other servants, and women of loose life, bedizen themselves, and wear hoods furred with gros vair and with minever, (fn. 5) in guise of good ladies.
And further, that no swine, and no stands, (fn. 6) or timber lying, shall from henceforth be found in the streets, after Monday next. [And as to swine so found,] let them be killed, and redeemed of him who shall so kill them, for four pence each; and let the stands and timber be forfeited to the use of the Sheriffs; hay also, and fodder, belonging to persons, found in West Chepe.
Footnotes 1 This is the apparent date, but the number of the year has been accidentally omitted in the Manuscript.
2 chaperon.
3 chapes.
4 Females who sold articles by retail.
5 Or "great vair" and "little vair;" costly furs, by some considered to have been identical with ermine of different kinds. See the Glossary to the Liber Custumarum (printed ed.), p. 834.
6 Boxes, placed in the streets, for the sale of wares.
Вобщем вкратце:
Приказывается, что женщинам запрещается носить худы, подбитые каким-либо иным мехом, кроме кролика и ягненка.В случае нарушения - нарушителей наказывеает градоправитель(Шериф).Закон принят для того, чтобы торговки, кормилицы, проститутки не уподоблялись добропорядочным леди, которым позволяется носить меха белки и горностая.
Title: William Langland's The vision of Piers Plowman
Author: Langland, William, 1330?-1400?
"And if thow diete thee thus, I dar legge myn eris
That Phisik shal his furred hood for his fode selle,
And his cloke of Calabre with alle the knappes of golde
And Elde auntred hym on Lyf--and at the laste he hitte
A phisicien with a furred hood, that he fel in a palsie,
And there dyed that doctour er thre dayes after
Regulations for the trade of Masons.
Appraisement of the goods and chattels of Stephen le Northerne.
30 Edward III. A.D. 1356. Letter-Book G. fol. xlv. (Latin.)
one woman's furred hood, and one rouel, (fn. 40)
40 Probably, the clasp of a girdle. See page 216 ante, Note 4.
Bille misse provigiliis faciendis contra Natale.
16 Dec., 2 Richard II. [A.D. 1378], precept sent to each Alderman to see that proper watch be kept in his Ward at Christmas; that the streets and lanes be cleansed, &c.
Folio cx.
John Bisshope, with a furred hood
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